My Journey...

These are the ramblings of a passionate photographer just wandering down the path of life. The photos are the real story, the accomplishment, the treasure. You are invited to come along for a spell. Enjoy the company. Enjoy the views!

All images and text on these pages are ©Copyright Douglas E. Wedman. All rights are reserved. Images and text may not be saved or used in any manner without the written consent of the photographer/author.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Creative Mischief

Ever just have one of those days where you needed to just create something?  Once in a while, I get that urge. In fact, I have got it right now; I just can't decide what to go and do.  I am going stir crazy.

One of the last times that happened, the result was the image on the right.  I call it "Lethal Combination".  Of course, guns and alchohol should not be mixed. But this image of Bacardi Gold on the rocks and a Smith & Wesson Chief's Special with autoloader, brings one to envision all sorts of potential mayhem or dark thoughts. Mission accomplished!

Now, where's my camera?


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